This section of our Shop shows the best offers available at maxcom-leather.net. Here you will find items available only online, limited series, final clearance and extra discounts on "second selection". In the product description you will find detailed information to better evaluate your purchase. With the word second choices we define hides that have might have more natural defects, can be slightly inelastic or having some doubling close to the edge of the hide. The "second choice" products fully respect the technical data sheet that can be consulted online and in case of purchase, returns will not be accepted for non-compliant goods as indicated in the general contract conditions. This section is updated weekly, so don't hesitate to visit it and sign up for our newsletter to follow all the news from Maxcom world.
Futura Special One Nero
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Futura GT Beluga
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Aurora Red Forato F001
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Aurora Dark Black Forato TY F005
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Aurora Stone Forato F001
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Aurora Antracite Forato F001
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Aurora Dark Black Forato AMG F003
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Aurora Dark Black Forato Clima F002
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Aurora Dark Black Forato F001
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Aurora Dark Black Forato Closer F004
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